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Join a Team

Invest in your membership by participating in one (or more!) of the
following teams. Build new relationships with fellow NARI members,
and add your voice to the association.
Education & Programs: Responsible for securing educational programs and seminars of specific interest to the membership. Responsible for monthly meetings and obtaining speakers with topics of interest and importance to the general membership. Oversees certification programming.
Legislative: Monitors state and local legislative and regulatory agency activity as well as activities of the Federal Lobbyist it pertains to our industry and reports to membership. The committee meets as needed.
Membership: Formulates and implements recruitment and retention programs.
Public Relations: Responsible for increasing consumer and industry awareness of NARI. This team also oversees the submittal of entries to NARI National for chapter achievement awards.
Community Service: Brings appropriate projects of concern before the board for consideration and follows through with member involvement to complete the project.
Events Committee: Plan and implement the Golf Outing, Holiday Party /Awards Gala, implements the Awards Program. Can also include other fun events as determined by committee.
Remodelers Night: Help select venue and caterer. Assist in set up the day of the event.
Build Remodel & Landscape Expo & Shows: Assists in planning, marketing and staffing of the NARI area of this show and any other opportunities available in consumer shows.
Home Improvement Showcase: Assists in planning and implementing the Spring & Fall tours.
Workforce Development: Develop strategies and tactics for increasing short and long-term workforce issues for our industry.